The socially motivated property owner

How does the eventual ownership look like something a little bit more equal and bring a little bit more good into our neighbourhoods?

It could be about who they are:

  • A low-income couple.
  • A refugee family.
  • A group of young people.
  • A single parent.
  • An immigrant family.

Or it could be about their relationship with the community:

  • A residential care provider.
  • A teacher at the local school.
  • A family providing foster care.
  • A local business owner.
  • An elderly widower who's lived on the street for 40 years.

What is there relationship with the project, and their gift to the social good? Do they:

  • Volunteer their time/labour to build some element of the project.
  • Grow the socially-motivated property movement by returning a portion of capital gains from any future sale back to the developer.
  • Continue to offer affordable housing by selling the property at a below-market rate.
  • Provide stability to the community by committing to living there for ten years.
  • Support good work already happening by providing respite care and hospitality, and build relationships with social service providers working in the area.

When we start to step out together, our relationships with our land and each other start to change.