The clutch is missing in the property system

On the one hand, we have people missing out with the way things are.

On the other hand, we have people with the skills and resources required to move us to the way things should be.

And both sides are aware of the situation. They just don't seem to be coming together in any significant and meaningful way.

What's the clutch?

My hunch, is that focussing on the fringes with a social business approach to property development could bring some pieces together. 

We need a scalable approach, translatable infrastructure, holistic design principles to make an impact. If needs to work for people on the fringes for there to be real systemic change, meaning that it works for all of us.

Which means we'll need to understand alternative ownership models. We'll need to understand the intersection of community development and property development. We'll need to understand communities in general, and our neighbourhoods specifically.

We'll need to think differently, work together, and dream.