The meaning of ownership

What does it mean to own something?

Listening to people around here talk, it is clear there is a particular understanding of property ownership, what it looks like and how it works.

And conversely, what it isn't.

It's not clear yet what owning property means to most people, but it seems to sound something like this.

Property ownership is:

  • A piece of paper with your name on it.
  • Being able to control what happens with and on your property.
  • Having a legal basis to share an opinion on what people do with their property around you.
  • Receiving financial gains by owning the property.
  • Being able to sell it when you want.


How much of this understanding is a product of our societal viewpoint and economic approach? Is there an alternative way of understanding property ownership? Something like this.

Property ownership could be:

  • Having some 'skin in the game' financially or otherwise.
  • Having the responsibility to care for the land.
  • Feeling grounded in a local neighbourhood.
  • Having secure accommodation.
  • Being able to offer hospitality to others.
  • Having a relational basis to connect with people who live on properties around you.

Can we deconstruct an individualistic, financially focussed and fear-based concept of property ownership and rebuild with a collective, common-good focussed and hopeful approach.