How many people does it take to change a property system

I've been running numbers tonight.

It looks like, in order to activate about $3M of radical, purposeful, alternative property living, building, and ownership, we need a little over 100 of us.

The list looks something like this:

  • 40 people who don't own any property and currently save around $50 per week.
  • 40 people who are on the right side of the mortgage mountain, want to change the world at least a little bit, and can afford to pay an extra $50 per week on their mortgage.
  • 12 people with cash who want to change the world, but need a return.
  • 3 NGOs with cash sitting in their bank accounts.
  • A bank in the business of community-building.

And most importantly:

  • 15 people who can afford to pay $130p/w in rent and want to live with purpose; and
  • The communities around them.

100 people with Purpose.

Do any of these people sound like you?