Push Pause Part VI - The Reality Reference Check

I've pushed pause on the usual blog posts to make space to reflect on some questions. This post is the final in the series, Part VI.

If you want to make a difference in the world, or feel like you're not sure what to do with your vocational life, you might like to look back at the questions and ponder your own answers.


What's in your hands?

And is it enough?

It is possible? Has anyone with my resources every pulled off anything like this?

Firstly, what are my resources?

  • Engineering degree.
  • Professional experience in a high-performing consulting firm.
  • A small amount of cash.
  • Confidence/Optimism.
  • Insatiable appetite for learning.
  • Supportive community and family.
  • Varied reading/research.

An incomplete and inaccurate list, to be sure.

But what is clear is that my most valuable resource is time, because time is finite, and scarce.

And there's a highly competitive market for my time.

Who else has been in a similar situation?

I really don't know! 

So here's some takeaways

  1. Do some research to find out what people with similar resources to me have done. Find out their stories.
  2. Do a resource map to look at what I have available and how they overlap and connect.