What's the minimum?

I used to think that asking the question “what’s the least amount of work I need to do” indicated a general laziness and desire to avoid work.

I haven’t changed my mind.

But I’ve learnt to appreciate that in some cases the most important thing is doing something. I actually suspect in most of the important cases, doing something regularly is better than doing a lot sometimes.

But enough abstract thought: Why does this matter to my Reo journey?

Because I’ve learnt to appreciate doing the least amount of work.

I aim to do many things every day to help move my Reo forward. I aim to text someone in Te Reo Māori daily. I intend to write something here every day. I plan to do my flashcard deck every day. I should do some homework for my course every day! And I get daily Kupu o te Rā with new words and phrases which I can put into my flashcard deck.

But I don’t do all of these every day. I often to most of them. And I usually do one of them.

The most important thing is that I do something daily. That’s my minimum effort.

One text message OR one blog post OR flashcards OR homework OR read my email and put it in my vocabulary deck.

And as an absolute minimum: Review 50 cards in my Anki deck.

Doing something daily is more important that doing everything all the time.

The Reo Project | Day 191