Looking at Te Ao Māori through A and O categories

A and O categories seems to be pretty fundamental to learning Te Reo Māori.

As seems to be common in Te Ao Māori, things are understood based on their relationships.

Looking at the categories is interesting, for example:

  1. While “A category” items are described as things you “have control over”, when you consider that children are A category items but highly treasured in the culture, it seems less like dominant control and more a responsibility to care for A category items.

  2. You “have control over” (A category) your things, but not your clothes. Your clothes care for you.

  3. You “have control over” your spouse, but they “have control over” you also. Or: You both have a responsibility to care for each other in the same way you care for your children.

  4. You are responsible for actions (A category) but not thoughts or feelings (O category).

The Reo Project | Day 197