Thank goodness for good mates

Tomorrow, a handful of excellent human beings are going to join me in this blogging experiment.

This is a shout out to Reuben, Marcus and Teaghan.

It’s also a shout out to three other fine people, Greg, Beth and Erin. These three folks are a big part of why I started, finished, and then restarted a blogging experiment. They’re also a suprisingly, and probably unknowingly large part of why I’m learning Te Reo.

It turns out, if you meet regularly with a bunch of mates, are honest about what you’d like to change about the world, and take each other seriously enough to want those changes to happen, you start doing things.

This blog is one of them. My Reo journey is another.

Also. Shout out to my wife. She doesn’t blog, but she’s still awesome.

The Reo Project | Day 212