Community and consistency

If consistency is king in learning, I’ve definitely been playing more like a pawn for the last month or so.

Apologies for the mixed metaphors. Here’s a simple version, and mini confession.

  1. I haven’t been doing my daily flashcards.

  2. I’ve been behind on my mahi kāinga (homework).

  3. I haven’t been reading any related books.

  4. I haven’t been writing on here (obviously).

I’ve been carried through by my classmates, my kaiako and the people around me who I look up to. And my kids: I have been using more Reo with them, and they’re picking it up!

The community you have around you is critical for your Reo journey.

  • Find some people you can look up to, that you can aspire to follow. Not because of their competency, but because of their journey.

  • Find some mates who are in it with you. Who know what you mean when you say “He uaua rawa!” It’s really difficult!

  • And find someone you can teach.

Community AND consistency. Because it’s a shared journey AND you have to do the mahi at the end of the day.

The Reo Project | Day 246