Enough for me, more for us

If you've missed the last couple of days, I'm exploring what could happen if you established a property development company using a social business model. Skip back two days for some specific discussion on what that means.

At some point, we have enough. The trick is in recognising when we are there. 

A social business property developer needs to pay staff. There's work that needs to be done, people who can do it, and they (probably) need to be paid. But people only need to be paid enough.

If we (you and I) were to invest in a social business with 0% return, we're going to care about some of the details of the business. Oddly, we'd probably care more about how financially responsible the business is now that we aren't getting any financial benefit, than we might if we have invested in a standard profit-generating/dividend paying company!

We'd want to know that staff were being looked after and paid enough, but also that it wasn't too much. Otherwise the company is simply using our money to benefit their own staff. A potential "mates club".

But assuming the company were paying fair wages, and was addressing a social problem, would we be okay with the money that would have come to us as dividends/a share of the profit, going back into the business as surplus to grow the impact of the business on the social problem?

Would we be okay with having enough, so that there can also be enough for the Staff, and more for Us?

What would happen if more of us were okay with enough, and wanted there to be more for Us? How many would it take to make a difference?

Enough. Just enough. That's how many.