Sensible housing 'aint what it used to be

Thirty years ago, the smart move would have been to buy as many houses as you could, as cheap as you can, and hang on to them for ten years.

But thirty years ago, the world wasn’t changing that fast, and 1998 wasn’t that different from 1988 (from a property finance point of view).

But 2028 could look significantly different to 2018. In fact, we can be reasonably sure it’ll be significantly different. So what’s the smart move now?

I suspect, it’s actually the same as it has always been:

  • Connect with people.

  • Learn to live with less.

So instead of maxing out the mortgage to get premium capital gains, how about staying small and staying put? What about building new, better, and smaller. Or bigger, with more people.

Craft a life where if it all goes pear shaped in the market, the prospect of having to stay in one place for the next ten years isn’t just exciting, it is genuinely preferable.