“We All Live Somewhere”

The Original Blog Project: March 2018 - June 2019


We all live somewhere.

Our approach to houses/homes/property ownership doesn't seem to 'work' for everyone. At least in the community where I live, and the way I think property should work.

You might be specifically concerned about the affordability or energy efficiency of our current housing. Or you might care more about build quality and increasing urban density. Or perhaps the biggest issue for you is ensuring stability of accommodation or giving people a sense of identity, pride and connection with the land through ownership.

I don't have any solutions, but I do have some ideas.

Many of them are borrowed from people who are more knowledgable, more experienced and more skilled than I. But I'm an engineer, not a writer. I'm a dreamer, not a communicator. I'm looking for action, and I'm exploring what that could look like for me, where I live.

This blog is a record of my process, you're welcome to follow along.


I’ve corralled a selection of posts under common themes.

You can see the lists below, or use the buttons to jump to the first or last post.

There’s a little bit of everything on here!