Good tools

A good workman never blames his tools, or so the saying goes.

But this doesn’t mean tools aren’t important. What matters is what stage of the project you’re at.

If you’re at the end, or partway through, and things aren’t going too well, don’t blame your tools.

But if you’re yet to start and you’re planning on producing something great, choosing your tools matters.

The environment we put ourselves in influences our ability to deliver. Along with our tools, and skills, the space we’re in matters and makes a difference to the outcome.

We care about our workplaces for productivity, our cars for driving comfort (and style), and our clothing.

But how much attention do we pay to the environment we live in at home, and all the components that make it up.

Don’t blame your friends if you don’t see them any more, but you just moved to the other side of town.

Don’t complain about it being cold in winter if your house is in constant shade.

Don’t wonder how you got so much stuff when you live in a 200 square meter house with one other person.

If you’re lucky enough to choose where you live, choose wisely.