But proximity is the antidote.
How many friends and amenities are within a 2 minutes walk from our homes? Push that circle out to 10 minutes. Maybe 20 minutes on the weekends.
Change to a bike. What's within 10 minutes reach now?
Relationships require proximity. Retail requires requires convenience, a key component of which is proximity.
Imagine living where:
- Home is 10 minutes walk from a park, two friends, a dairy and a fish and chip shop.
- 20 minutes walk away is a small group of shops, with a pub, cafe, butcher and gym.
- The daily commute involves a 20 minute bike ride door-to-door. There's a fresh fruit and vegetable store 2 minutes walk from work.
Walking round to a friend's for a BBQ, to pick up the kids, or wander home after watching a late game on their big screen is a regular occurrence. Milk, bread and fish and chip runs happen spontaneously when needed. Sunday mornings regularly involve brunch or coffee at the cafe, and includes a quick spin on the roundabout at the park on the way home, when there's no need to get fresh meat from the butcher into the fridge. To supplement the monthly supermarket shop, fruit and vegetables regularly fill up the backpack on the way home from work.
How much has proximity killed the car? How much time is now spent at home, or in the neighbourhood?
Proximity can transform our transit time into physical exercise, physical presence on our streets and practical connection with people.