How hard is it, really?

The answer, is pretty hard.

Change, that is. It's pretty hard.

We'd all like something to be different. Better. More 'right', more 'the way things should be'. But changing to get from A to B is hard. Really hard. 

If you're barrelling along life's highway (or winding path) with half an eye on the road, half an eye on your phone, and half asleep, changing lanes is dangerous. And a 180 degree change of direction now might just mean your facing oncoming traffic.

First, slow down, or at least decelerate.
Then, actually stop. Pause. Catch your breath, and take a look around.
Next, reorientate. Realign. 
Now move. Step by step. 

Once you identify where you're at in this process, you can stop worrying about the other four steps.

If you're not aligned, don't worry about changing too much.

If you haven't stopped yet, and can't get any perspective, just focus on slowing down a little bit, or as least stop speeding up.

And if you know where you want to go and are facing in that direction, get moving!