Push Pause Part IV - Put the work in

I've pushed pause on the usual blog posts to make space to reflect on some questions. This post is Part IV of VI.

If you want to make a difference in the world, or feel like you're not sure what to do with your vocational life, you might like to follow along and answer these questions for yourself.

Back to the mahi.

The work.

The effort.

Meaningful work requires effort. In seeking to make a change, we are attempting to bring something new into the world.

Creation requires effort. And sometimes, creating something takes our all.

Whakapau kaha.

How much work am I willing to do to bring something new into the world? What am I willing to give up, to tradeoff for the change I seek?

A non-negotiable for me is living an authentic lifestyle that is grounded in the same sentiment, attitude and values that drives the work I seek to do. Changing the way we live in the world means nothing if I am not working towards a different way of live myself. This is not only a matter of integrity, it is a key factor in grounding abstract, theoretical ideas of doing good, and actually doing something that does some good.

Proximity matters. Proximity to the people I seek to engage with matters. 

Change should be done with, and for, not to.

Another priority is family, But again, I am willing (and seeking) to relinquish traditional (modern) notions of what it looks like to be a family where it is in service of an authentic lifestyle and bringing about the change I seek to create. Shared living is a key part of this. As well as keeping expenses low, living with others enriches our family life, our personal relationships, and is a significant practical help with looking after children. All of this frees us, frees me to engage more fully in the meaningful life-work.

Shared living also brings it's strange security. My capacity for risk increases, because I know that I am grounded in a community that will support me. We strive together for a common purpose, with each of us on our own journey, carving our own path. 

I am willing to trade a successful, stable, lucrative career to pursue opportunities that align with purpose. I am willing to negotiate challenges in relationships as a result of how my choices are perceived. I am willing to stay at the table with people who disagree, in an effort to learn, understand and grow. I am willing to apologise when I am wrong. I am willing to be vulnerable. 

I think changing the world is as much about the things we're willing to put aside as the work we're willing to put in.

There is effort in personal change and sacrifice as well as productivity.