Not enough is a killer

If you think that there isn’t enough to go around, that’s a scarcity mindset. It’s a close cousin of the zero sum game, and a one-up-one-down attitude.

Thinking that there isn’t enough, that “I have to protect my patch”, might seem rational, sensible even. But it can lead to some irrational and non-sensical, or at least unhelpful places.

Here’s a few I’d suggest:

  • Needing more, thinking that bigger is better, and generally feeling you never have enough.

  • Taking from others based on a judgement of what they do or don’t need.

  • Failing to extend trust to others because of fear they might take what is yours.

That a scarcity mindset becomes a trust-killer is of most concern. Trust is a fundamental fabric of our society, without it, we’re a bit lost.

So perhaps, this weekend, take some time to reflect on whether what you have is enough (or even too much), and how your view on it affects your ability to trust others.