Tiny houses might be a great idea

Great ideas - as with great jokes, great books, and great speeches - are usually great because they point to a common element of humanity. It might be a common desire, or a common struggle. A common dysfunction, or a common experience.

Tiny houses may just be such and idea. If you spend any time listening to, watching, or reading the words of tiny house advocates, a few common threads seem to emerge.

  • A desire to connect with the environment.

  • An experience of joy in living with less.

  • A rejection of the status quo to follow a path of their own choosing.

  • An opportunity to craft something, to make something real with their own hands.

  • The enjoyment of time alone.

If some of these (or other ideas) are not just a description of tiny house fanatics, but rather elements of humanity that we all share, then the tiny house ethos might just be a great idea.