A and O possession is really important in Te Reo Māori.
Got it. Still need to learn it, but I get it’s important.
But I haven’t had the foggiest clue on how to deal with the m/n mā/mō and nā/nō!
Until now.
Here’s what I’ve got.
Nā/nō/na/no is use to indicate the origin of something. Where it has come from.
Mā/mō/ma/mo is use to indicate the ultimate/eventual ‘having’ of something. Where is will end up.
Here’s the sentence that makes the most sense for me:
He mīti nā te toa mā te whānau - Some meat from the shop for the whānau
Mā and nā in once sentence with the same item!
He mīti nā te toa - Some meat from the shop
He mīti mā te whānau - Some meat for the whānau
Hope that helps you as much as it did for me.
If not, try this instead.
The Reo Project | Day 204