Public Public Partnerships

A new PPP. Move on from Public Private Partnerships and build communities with a Public Public Partnership approach. The concept is that by bring people with the necessary skills, resources and community connection together, we create something excellent, effective and grounded in a people and place.

Common purpose housing. Common ownership. For the Common good.

Technically, it should be PPPP. Public Public Public Partnerships. We could bring together:

  1. A Public Good organisation. People with the skills, knowledge and experience in caring for a particular section of society that struggles in the norm.
  2. A Public Group organisation. People who know a place, are connected, resourced and trusted.
  3. Some of the Public. You and I. People who are people. Who live in a place.

Here's an example PPPP:

  • A mental health service provider based in, or working with people from a a particular community
  • A resident's association
  • A few young families with children at the local preschool, perhaps one parent is a teacher at the high school.

What would an ideal housing situation look like that all these people could get behind? What would be unique to what they would build?

Another example, bring together:

  • A group who run events for elderly people
  • The local community garden organisation
  • A collection of young professionals and local business owners who live and work in the area

What could this collection of diverse interests create that meets each of their needs, but creates something more than what each currently wants? How would you develop a neighbourhood that connects us more, and weaves us together in ways we can't imagine from where we site by ourselves.

True Partnership. True Public. Public Public Public Partnerships.