I recently completed an assignment that included the following instruction:
Write a series of statements that define the essence of who you are.
Have you ever tried to do this?
I can recommend it.
But brace yourself for hard work.
This was a real assignment that I completed earlier this year.
It is impossible to reduce at the essence of a person to a finite number of words, but the following series of statements describe some of what I consider to be the ‘essential elements’ of who I am. These include aspects that significantly contribute to my happiness and engagement in my life and work, and describe my key values and passions.
I must keep learning. I’m best when I’m discovering something new.
I must stay grounded to a people and a place.
I am comfortable leading.
I thrive in complex environments where even the unknowns are unknown and the outcomes are uncertain.
I make sense out of chaos. I see patterns, find connections and communicate meaning.
I always have hope for the future.
I value the uniqueness of an individual’s contribution and the mystery of collective intelligence.
I assume a high level of trust in relationships.
I care about making sure the voices of those not at the table are heard.
I care about building new systems that work for those at the margins of society. If they don’t work for them, they don’t work at all.