Solving the problem of problem solving

The Cynefin Framework categorises problems into four types, with four different approaches to solving the problem. Here’s my hyper-simplified take on it.

  1. Some problems are simple. You know what (small number) of actions to take, that are guaranteed to produce the result you’re after. Imagine this: it’s dark in a small room, there’s one light switch, and one light bulb, and you installed the wiring. Solution: You should have done it already.

  2. Some problems are complicated. There’s lots of actions you could take, but you’re not sure which ones to do, in which order. Imagine this: It’s dark in a big building. You know which lights you need on, but you don’t know which switch to flick. Solution: Get the person who knows to solve it (they have the manual/expertise).

  3. Some problems are complex. Again, lots of actions, but no-one knows how they’re connected to each other, or the outcomes you want. There is no expert. I don’t have example here, the lightbulbs/switches analogy really breaks down. Perhaps you’re in the same big building but you’re blindfolded, and some of the switches are voice/motion/clapper activated? Solution: Get a bunch of people together and start moving. You’ll figure it out.

  4. Some problems are chaotic. The lights keep turning on and off, and you have no idea why. Solution: Get out of there!

(For more detail and a much less tongue-in-cheek overview jump over to HBR)

Property is complex. For a few obvious reasons:

  1. People are involved. People always make it complex.

  2. Lots of people are involved. See above, and multiply the effect.

  3. People are still writing books about it. No-ones figured it out!

When I intersect these two things, I end up with one solution:

  • Get a bunch of mates together, and have a crack at doing something differently. Even just a little bit differently.

  • If you've got no mates who want to do that, go out and get some better mates, and try again.

If you’re looking for mates in New Zealand, these guys might be able to help.